Monthly Archives: November 2019

Ep. 42: Gratitude: The Foreplay to Pleasure

It is holiday season and I think that I’m not alone with a say people are feeling the stresses. Today I want to hop on the gratitude train because around Thanksgiving there’s so much talk about gratitude, and what it can do for us. I think that it is such an important part of creating more pleasure in your life.

When we’re talking about having a good sex life, it’s not just about the sex we’re having. It’s about creating the internal structure in our brain so that we can open the invitation and it’s easy for pleasure to enter. Focusing on our brain as an internal resource, and asking ourselves: what are the things that we’re working on with our mind on purpose that is going to help us have more pleasurable sex?

Topics in this episode

Practicing pleasure on purpose

Creating a system of resilience

The opposite of gratitude

The key is awareness

Complaining is the ultimate killer of passion and pleasure

Article by Robert Emmons: Why Gratitude is Good,

The acceptance of what is

How to begin a formal gratitude process

As always, it has been my pleasure. Have a wonderful week, you guys.’Tis the season to be grateful. Bring some more appreciation and gratitude into your life for yourself and your partner. I’m excited to see how this shifts things in you and helps you tend toward more pleasure.

Chinese Online Digital Spying Keeps Score! #1407

Chinese Online Spying system automatically keeps score of what you’re doing digitally and who you hang out with to determine if you will earn yourself a one year stay at an internment camp for 1 year for re-education and torture. This is all spelled out in detail. Jet Lagged like a big dog here in … Continue reading Chinese Online Digital Spying Keeps Score! #1407

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Ep. 41: Enjoying Sex is More Important

Today we’re going to talk about the simple concept of enjoying sex and how to focus on enjoying it. As we learn that there’s more enjoyment in something, we’re much more likely to increase our motivation to do the thing that brings us satisfaction. It makes sense why so many women suffer from low desire and wanting to increase their libido. It doesn’t have a reward we are used to experiencing. But it is time for a reclamation to our pleasure and to actually wanting it, because we love it. In this episode I share tips on how to begin to want pleasure, how to open your mind to it, and how to keep it once you have it.

Topics in this episode

The reward that comes from sex

There’s nothing wrong with male sexual pleasure, but there should be pleasure for you both.

Make it a habit to practice pleasure

You don’t have to do anything new. You just have to harness your attention to pleasure

The intention of finding the good

Warming up your awareness

What happens when pleasure goes away in the moment

As always it’s been my pleasure to be with you here today. And I hope that this episode will help you not only want pleasure for yourself but to go after finding it and enjoying it during sex. Because ladies, it is time to take a stand for yourself and equality for your pleasure. This is what I help women do boldly every single day. Standing in your pleasure is standing in your power. I have recently opened up three more spots for one-on-one coaching to help women finish this decade strong because this is so important. If this is something you want to do, hit me up, go to my website at Fill out the really quick form, and let’s talk.

Valentines Day Text Later Delivery #1404

Seems a bunch of people received there valentines day text today, in what can only be described as something very strange. It was not limited to iPhones or Androids or carrier. The messages just seemed to get unstuck from some location. The senders are otherwise oblivious. I have had this happen many times where I … Continue reading Valentines Day Text Later Delivery #1404

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Ep. 40: The Competing Selves

I was talking with one of my clients this week about last week’s episode. Desire and drive are different because it isn’t a biological need, but how does that change anything for us? This week I want to continue the conversation about how to want sex, and understanding our inner voices and what it takes to want to undergo change.

I love hearing your thoughts. It always helps inform what I should spend my time talking about in these episodes and what I want to share. I want to hear your thoughts and follow up questions. Hit me up directly at You can also follow me on Instagram and message me @DanielleSavoryCoaching.

Topics in this episode

The thoughts and belief patterns that get in the way of sexual pleasure

How those thoughts take us to a place of rejection of ourselves and partnerships

Changing the tone of your thoughts

Learning how to want sex

The siren and the sage

Acting from a place of thoughts that were chosen ahead of time

Moving through discomfort for the sake of growth

I hope that today’s topic about the competing selves when making a change will help you create more space to become the pleasured woman you are wanting to be. If you’re really ready to stop wasting time, working with me one-on-one, working with me is the most time-efficient fun and pleasurable way to discover how to enjoy sex again. I will have one opening later this month for a new client and I am currently having consultations to figure out who will take this spot. Apply for my coaching at

Student Innovation Blows me Away #1403

A Middle School Student Innovation in car accident prevention has blown me away and I would suspect we could see what the student has designed in a car of the future. Lots happening here with my moving to my new place over the weekend. Pictures to follow at some point in the near future but … Continue reading Student Innovation Blows me Away #1403

The post Student Innovation Blows me Away #1403 appeared first on Geek News Central.