Monthly Archives: December 2019

Wyze Server Hacked 2.4 Million Records Exposed #1415

We wrap up 2019 with another hack Wyze the inexpensive surveillance camera company was hacked and even worse may show some health data being sent to China. This is the last show for 2019 and I wish everyone a safe New Year. I’ll be back with a show on Thursday and then off to Vegas … Continue reading Wyze Server Hacked 2.4 Million Records Exposed #1415

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Huawei Financial Tax Breaks Equal 75 Billion #1414

You want to know how Huawei is able to undercut everyone in the telecommunications space. Well with 75 Billion in tax incentives and a cash infusion from the Chinese government it is no wonder. As you have already determined I am not a big fan of Huawei and I can guarantee no coverage of them … Continue reading Huawei Financial Tax Breaks Equal 75 Billion #1414

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TikTok and ToTok Spy Apps? #1413

TikTok and ToTok are under serious review are they spy apps?. The Navy and Army have banned TikTok from all government smart phones and ToTok has been removed from the Google and Apple app stores as apparently they where spy apps for the UAE. Nothing like a state-sponsored spy app to get people’s attention. Merry … Continue reading TikTok and ToTok Spy Apps? #1413

The post TikTok and ToTok Spy Apps? #1413 appeared first on Geek News Central.

Has Ring Been Hacked? #1412

Has Ring been Hacked? They deny any hacking and say it’s likely users, usernames and passwords from other global hacks. But some researchers are saying that there are too many details in the hacked information to have come from other global hacks. My personal advice change all your ring passwords to something complicated and do … Continue reading Has Ring Been Hacked? #1412

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Ep. 45: Meditation WILL Help Your Sex Life

Meditation and mindfulness is the foundation of how I started to become a coach. It’s such a passion of mine and played a huge role in my healing journey. I recently wrapped up a 10-day challenge in my Facebook group, the pleasured woman, called the mindful morning challenge. After completing it, I was inspired to talk with you this week about meditation, its benefits, and how it can help with your pleasure. The purpose of the challenge was to create a foundation in our mornings to be more intentional in order to help us be able to show up throughout the day and create positive change in creating pleasure.

Topics in this Episode

Difference between mindfulness and meditation

There are different types of mediation, based on the desire results you are seeking

Insight meditation focuses on the inner connection between the mind and body

This focus allows you to notice when your mind has wandered so that you can bring it back

“I’m showing up for what is”

How meditation can help with your pleasure:

Meditation increases your focus

Sharpens your awareness

Meditation calms you down

Helps you become the observer of your thoughts


As always, it has been my absolute pleasure sharing this with you, and I hope that it helps you find more pleasure and gets you to the cushion to start meditating so you can have some mindblowing sex.

Ep. 44: Feeling the FEELS

‘Tis the season for a lot of feelings. Emotions, and how we deal with them, affect our capacity to experience pleasure. Feelings and emotions come from what we are thinking, either conscious thoughts, or what is in the background. I want to talk about how we often go wrong with emotions, how we can meet them and process them. When we practice feeling, that allows us to get closer to pleasure.

Topics in this episode

Emotions are labeled by the physical response we have to certain triggers

Feelings are created by a thought or belief in the brain our brain, and our mind’s interpretation of what’s going on around us or “to” us

The first step is to be the observer and to notice the quick thought that triggers our emotions.

How is it that I’m not able to automatically switch my feelings if I’m aware of the thoughts that are creating those feelings?

Emotions live in the body and may stick around for a while

The steps to feeling your feelings: noticing, giving compassion, and having curiosity

As always it has been my pleasure to bring this to you today. As you get better at this, you will feel increasingly safer being in your body, which opens you up to the possibility of being in your body during sex. I’m excited for you guys to do this. It’s really a game-changer. It’s going to make your life richer in all ways. I hope as you begin the journey to feel your feelings, you’re going to be able to have a more pleasurable life.

Ep. 43: Addressing Apologetic Energy in the Bedroom

I often hear women feeling bad about speaking up for what they want. This apologetic energy carries into the bedroom, and it can mean feeling bad for saying no or feeling embarrassed. To be a pleasured woman, this is something we need to work through individually and collectively. It is time.  I hope this episode will help you realize how perhaps you are showing up with some apologetic energy in between the sheets and how might be able to shift out of it so you can go and get your pleasure. 

Topics in this episode

Why we feel sorry in the first place

The role of cognitive dissonance

Having the belief that we are in charge of other people’s feelings.

What are you afraid of that keeps you from using your voice?

Delivering our requests with boldness and with kindness.

Open up the dialogue, without taking responsibility