Ep. 47: Bringing Sexy Back

One of the most common responses I get to this podcast is the request to break down some of the concepts I cover into their simplest detail so that you can start applying them to your life. In this episode, I share how getting turned on and accessing your pleasure isn’t about adding anything to your day or your life. We need to pay attention to what’s getting in the way, so we can remove the blocks, and become the sexually pleasured woman you want to be.

Topics in this episode

How disempowering our thinking can be

We don’t have to settle.

Sex is irrelevant to modern-day life

When you’re starting something new, that can be exciting. And that becomes more tantalizing than having sex can be.

Circumstances are neutral. It’s about how you think about them that will either make them an obstacle or not.

What’s keeping you from pleasure?

Thank you so much for joining. As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure to share this information with you. I hope that it allows you to find all of those off switches that are keeping you from accessing your pleasure, and start to move them out of the way so you can create that flow once again. If you’re looking for more help to identify those turn off switches, I am taking applications for one-on-one coaching later this year. You can apply here: http://daniellesavory.com/coaching