Ep. 53: Being Turned On By Your Partner

When we think about pleasure, it requires all of you to be on board. All parts of your brain, all parts of your body, and all of your thoughts. Today, we are talking about thoughts that can take us away from pleasure, specifically, thoughts about our partners. This is something that I hear all the time from women is that there is something that their partner is doing, or not doing, that is keeping them from finding their partner desireable. I want to share with you that it’s not actually about your partner, and what they’re doing, or not doing. It’s your thoughts about these things that shape how you feel about them. In this episode, I share how to shift your thoughts so that you can get back to sexual pleasure.

Topics in this episode

The kinds of things your partner does that can get in the way of your pleasure

Your partner is just being themselves, and you have thoughts about it. And then these thoughts create an emotional response.

Making the decision to be turned on by them

How to start celebrating your partner: start with neutral

Your partner gets to decide who and how they want to be, and you get to decide how you experience that behavior.

What if the behavior doesn’t change? Will I be ok? Is this a deal-breaker?

We choose our person, and then it’s our job to continue to put in the work to want them day in and day out.

If you want a better sex life, you need to become aware of what exactly is keeping you from pleasure. This is what I help my clients with, helping them become aware and navigate thoughts through a specific and effective process. If you’re really ready to take these concepts that I talk about on this podcast and begin implementing them so that you can have results of mindblowing sex, then I encourage you to go to my website and fill out an application. We can begin right away. To find the application and learn more, go to http://daniellesavory.com/coaching