Ep. 42: Gratitude: The Foreplay to Pleasure

It is holiday season and I think that I’m not alone with a say people are feeling the stresses. Today I want to hop on the gratitude train because around Thanksgiving there’s so much talk about gratitude, and what it can do for us. I think that it is such an important part of creating more pleasure in your life.

When we’re talking about having a good sex life, it’s not just about the sex we’re having. It’s about creating the internal structure in our brain so that we can open the invitation and it’s easy for pleasure to enter. Focusing on our brain as an internal resource, and asking ourselves: what are the things that we’re working on with our mind on purpose that is going to help us have more pleasurable sex?

Topics in this episode

Practicing pleasure on purpose

Creating a system of resilience

The opposite of gratitude

The key is awareness

Complaining is the ultimate killer of passion and pleasure

Article by Robert Emmons: Why Gratitude is Good, https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_gratitude_is_good

The acceptance of what is

How to begin a formal gratitude process

As always, it has been my pleasure. Have a wonderful week, you guys.’Tis the season to be grateful. Bring some more appreciation and gratitude into your life for yourself and your partner. I’m excited to see how this shifts things in you and helps you tend toward more pleasure.