Sonos Yields on Bricking #1420

Sonos Yields on Bricking devices after the Sonos owners community screamed bloody murder. It’s nice to see that they realized they made a bad decision and will work to bridge new and old devices. Instead of forcing folks to upgrade and then bricking their devices that they spent good money on. People do not like … Continue reading Sonos Yields on Bricking #1420

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Ep. 49: Great Sex After Heartbreak w/ Heartbreak Coach Claire Byrne

In today’s episode, I talk with Claire Byrne, a heartbreak coach who helps women stop wanting Mr. and Mrs. Wrong back. She’s the host and creator of her podcast, How to Stop Wanting Him Back and is also a regular contributor to Kourtney Kardashian’s Claire is also a really good friend of mine. We met way back when we were just getting into coaching, and it has been really great to be on this journey of building our businesses together.

In our conversation, we cover a number of topics, things I often get asked about sex and heartbreak, emotional availability, and of course pain and healing and pleasure. It was so much fun talking with my friend, and I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.

Topics in this episode

When should you have sex after heartbreak?

What is required in order to heal from heartbreak

Heartbreak is not a linear process

Being ok with rejection

The price you have to be willing to pay for healing and pleasure

Creating emotional availability and safety after heartbreak

Getting through times of feeling disconnected with your partner

Claire answers the question: What would change in the world if more women were sexually pleasured?

Claire’s Contact Info



Podcast, How to Stop Wanting Him Back:


Ep. 48: Setting A Sexy Tone

If you think about this time of year, depending on where you live, something you may experience is snow. This is something that I’m thinking about this week as it’s predicted for Portland. Talking to people about the possibility and hearing the tone they use when they say the word “snow” has got me thinking about how the way we say a word can impact how we feel.

The same thing applies to sex and having pleasure. When you say the word sex, what kind of tone do you have? Is it one of dread? Pleasure? Excitement? I want to share with you how the tone affects our body and how we think about sex, and what you can do to change it.

Topics in this episode

The tone changes the story in our head

The tone that we have when we’re talking about sex, this is going to set up the way that sex feels to you.

Your tone is going to guide your body about how you want to feel about it.

How do you want your body to feel about sex?

It’s not just sex – it’s also how you think about yourself

Uncovering negative associations and how to heal from them

You have the power to change your tone

This week I want you to practice saying “sex” and other words regarding pleasure. Say it in the mirror, or in the car. If it’s something you want to crave, think about how you might say something you already do crave. If it’s something you want to find pleasurable, then say it the way you already say something you do find to be pleasurable.

Ep. 47: Bringing Sexy Back

One of the most common responses I get to this podcast is the request to break down some of the concepts I cover into their simplest detail so that you can start applying them to your life. In this episode, I share how getting turned on and accessing your pleasure isn’t about adding anything to your day or your life. We need to pay attention to what’s getting in the way, so we can remove the blocks, and become the sexually pleasured woman you want to be.

Topics in this episode

How disempowering our thinking can be

We don’t have to settle.

Sex is irrelevant to modern-day life

When you’re starting something new, that can be exciting. And that becomes more tantalizing than having sex can be.

Circumstances are neutral. It’s about how you think about them that will either make them an obstacle or not.

What’s keeping you from pleasure?

Thank you so much for joining. As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure to share this information with you. I hope that it allows you to find all of those off switches that are keeping you from accessing your pleasure, and start to move them out of the way so you can create that flow once again. If you’re looking for more help to identify those turn off switches, I am taking applications for one-on-one coaching later this year. You can apply here:

Do you Publicly Criticize your Employer? #1416

Have you ever publicly criticized your employer? Well, some people are surprised they have received HR letters for doing so and it is coming as a big shock. Well, some folks live in an alternate universe. I am off to CES on Saturday. Live coverage starting on Tuesday 10 hours a day Tue-Thur and 6 … Continue reading Do you Publicly Criticize your Employer? #1416

The post Do you Publicly Criticize your Employer? #1416 appeared first on Geek News Central.

Ep. 46: 2020 Your Sexiest Year Yet

As we kick off a new year, I want us to take some time to reflect and evaluate the last year that we had. It’s important to take a look back, to know what is working and what isn’t. And in the realm of sexuality, what is working for you in order to feel like a sexually empowered woman? In this episode, I share helpful prompts to use when thinking about the past year and the goals you want to set for 2020. Let’s make 2020 the sexiest year yet.

Topics in this episode

3 Questions:

What worked?

What didn’t work?

What am I going to do differently?

How to move through negative thoughts and feelings that may arise

Getting specific with our goals

Stretch goals, and why they are good for us

Having a growth mindset

Be willing to fail

Productive vs unproductive failure

What sexual failure looks like

Not having sex

Changing your mind and deciding it isn’t worth it

Letting the “how” get in your way

Not following through

Being ok with “meh” sex

Giving up

Excuses and justifications for not doing it

I’m so excited for you to have your sexiest year yet! It’s your year to lean into your pleasure and to pursue your pleasure. I’m so grateful for you all, and if you want any help in reaching your 2020 goals, make sure to connect with me for some coaching at As always it’s been my absolute pleasure to bring this episode to you today. Please consider sharing this with a friend and leaving a review. Let’s make 2020 the year of the pleasured woman, not just for you, but for all the ladies out there.

Wyze Server Hacked 2.4 Million Records Exposed #1415

We wrap up 2019 with another hack Wyze the inexpensive surveillance camera company was hacked and even worse may show some health data being sent to China. This is the last show for 2019 and I wish everyone a safe New Year. I’ll be back with a show on Thursday and then off to Vegas … Continue reading Wyze Server Hacked 2.4 Million Records Exposed #1415

The post Wyze Server Hacked 2.4 Million Records Exposed #1415 appeared first on Geek News Central.