Ep. 33: How Other People’s Opinions Effect Your Sex Life

In last week’s episode, we began to talk about how self-image affects your sex life. I want to go even further this week and talk about how other people’s opinions can affect your sex life. We have a choice of whether or not we allow unkind comments other people say into our thoughts. Many of our beliefs have been learned by how we were raised, and the messages we got, and the world we live in. These beliefs can greatly influence our fears about ourselves, and especially about our sex, which keeps us from pursuing pleasure and desire.

I want to share with you that the truth is really what we choose it to be. Not caring what others think isn’t easy, but it is the most liberating thing there is. It will free you and allow you to connect more with yourself so that you can go after your pleasure and go after your sexuality.

Topics in this episode:

You are responsible for the integrity of your thoughts

The foundation of our “home” and how it affects your sex life

Negativity bias

How to overcome negative thoughts and self-talk

Defining your truth

Having an appreciation for your fears

Why others’ opinions hurt, and how to change it

As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure sharing with you how to not let other people’s opinions affect you so much, and get in the way of your sex. I hope this episode will help you let go of caring so much about what other people think, and instead, work on the relationship you have with yourself so that you can continue to find your own pleasure. I hope this message resonated with you, and if it did, just know that I am here. If you ever want to take this work deeper and do some one-on-one coaching, please reach out to me on my website.

TikTok & Chinese Censorship #1395

TikTok a Bejing based company appears to be censoring videos of Hong Kong protest. This should come as no surprise to anyone. This popular app is used by millions and I am sure the Chines Communist government has explicit instructions to the company that runs the app. Yet millions in America and Asia love the … Continue reading TikTok & Chinese Censorship #1395

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SpaceX Internet Available Sooner #1394

SpaceX is thinking they can roll out their Internet service faster based on a new Sat deployment strategy. In my opinion it cannot come soon enough. Tonight was a total stream failed. Somehow was not able to maintain connection with the streaming provider and gives me huge concern. I will be doing a lot of … Continue reading SpaceX Internet Available Sooner #1394

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Ep. 32: Body Image and Sex

Today we are talking about body image, which is a hang-up for many of us. I think it is safe to say that most women have been insecure about the way they look, and it creates obstacles for us to create more sexual pleasure or empowerment. This is something I truly love working with women to overcome in order for them to have a love affair with themselves, and to own the beautiful, badass, sexy women they are. Sexy is the relationship you have with yourself, and I want to help you re-build that relationship so you can access the sex you deserve.

Topics in this episode:

The narrative in our minds

The role of self-criticism before and during sex

Would you say that to someone else? A friend? Your daughter?

The response of your sympathetic nervous system

You have to be the one to have amazing thoughts about you.

Shame is the opposite of desire

Re-building your self-image happens in stages

Thank you for joining me on It’s My Pleasure today. As always, it’s been my absolute pleasure sharing with you, the way to begin rebuilding the relationship you have with your body, and I truly hope you take this to heart so you can start owning your pleasure and your body in a totally different way. If this message resonated with you, please know, this is the exact type of work I do with my clients. It is possible for you to feel amazing in your body. Let’s get you feeling amazing right now! If you want to hop on a call and see if coaching is the right step for you, email me at daniellesavorycoaching@gmail.com

Instagram & Facebook Photos not Private #1393

A big security issue has been found on Instagram and Facebook. Where your shared private images and videos can be easily shared by someone copying the HTML link to the media. The web is secure but the links to the media are not. Continued debugging of the studio here at Geek News Central. Some small … Continue reading Instagram & Facebook Photos not Private #1393

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Episode 25 – Grace Wales Bonner at the Serpentine Galleries with curator Claude Adjil

In ‘A Time for New Dreams’ at the Serpentine Galleries, Grace Wales Bonner presents the first in a new series of unique projects in the fields of music, fashion, art and design.

In this episode, we get a walking tour of the Grace Wales Bonner exhibition with Claude Adjil, Curator at Large, Live Programmes. The exhibition features Chino Amobi, Black Audio Film Collective, David Hammons, Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Michael-John Harper, Liz Johnson Artur, Rashid Johnson, Kapwani Kiwanga, Klein, Laraaji, Eric N. Mack, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Ben Okri, Ishmael Reed, and Sahel Sounds.

IN STUDIO with Sharon Obuobi is a series about the stories of art makers, curators and influencers who inspire thoughtful perspectives on the world around us.

To see more from our interview, visit our Instagram page @InStudiowithSO. Learn more about us at www.instudiowithso.com.

All views and opinions expressed by guests are their own.

Episode 24 – Ngozi Schommers

Ngozi Schommers is a Nigerian-born visual artist based in Germany. She experiments with various art mediums to explore socio-political, religious, cultural human experiences.

I met with Ngozi in September 2018, a few days into her residency at Arthouse Foundation. Ngozi invited me over and we had a chat at her space on Awolowo Road. So if you listen carefully you’ll also hear the typical sounds of an afternoon in Lagos.

IN STUDIO with Sharon Obuobi is a series about the stories of art makers, curators and influencers who inspire thoughtful perspectives on the world around us.

To see more from our interview, visit our Instagram page @InStudiowithSO. Learn more about us at www.instudiowithso.com.

All views and opinions expressed by guests are their own.

Episode 23 – Marroni & Ouanely

Italian artist Thomas Marroni and French artist Romain Ouanely are an artistic duo called Marroni & Ouanely which they established in 2010.

The exhibition ‘Cagnara’ unveils the Italian-French duo’s latest body of work, characterised by their strict collaborative process where both artists simultaneously paint each canvas using their less dominant hand.

This performative practice incorporates the idea of error, scratches and scribbles on canvases recall elements of failure, rendering a narrative of abstract imperfections.

I met with the artistic duo on the morning of their opening at PUBLIC Gallery to discuss their collaborative art practice.

IN STUDIO with Sharon Obuobi is a series about the stories of art makers, curators and influencers who inspire thoughtful perspectives on the world around us.

To see more from our interview, visit our Instagram page @InStudiowithSO. Learn more about us at www.instudiowithso.com.

All views and opinions expressed by guests are their own.